The new EU regulation (EU 2020/74) on minimum requirements for water reuse has entered into force in June 2020 however, concerns remain to be addressed regarding emerging risks related to micropollutants, new pathogens and antibiotic resistance spreading.
It is in this context that the NORMAN WG5 on "water reuse and policy support" has restarted its activities in September with two important meetings organised on-line.
The annual meeting of WG5 was held on September 8, 2020 to present the new mandate and current activities, like the launching of the new NORMAN SCORE SARS-Cov-2 in sewage
database, to the group that currently involve 33 institutions representing the various stakeholders (academics, consultancies, authorities, water suppliers) involved in water
If you are interested to join the NORMAN WG5 and/or want further information, please contact Geneviève Deviller ( or Lian Lundy (